Don't Be Deceived By Bad Automated Forex Trading Programs

There are automated forex trading vendors galore on the internet. Many of them give their promise will grow your fund significantly with the help of their products. The price for each product is ranged from $100 to $200, what an interesting fact we have here. With only $200, many vendors of automated forex programs intend to help traders and investors out to multiply their funds trading in the forex market. Stay calm and keep on being a rational one when you meet such offers.

I don't say that all automated forex programs are bad, however, when something sounds too good to be true then there might be a dead cat on the line. You need to invest your time to investigate and research these systems. Find the proof, have the truth on them. Don't waste your money buying anything that will jeopardize your fund in the end. You have to find reliable and acknowledged automated forex trading programs. I believe you're a level headed person who won't judge a book by its cover.

I am also sure there are some reliable and profitable automated forex programs out there despite I often hear downside stories on such trading programs. Some of my friends have developed their own program for private use only. Some succeeded and some other failed. Some of them and me also have tried out to use paid systems, unfortunately those programs didn't satisfy us.

In general, one thing that I often get from what people said on their experienced utilizing automated trading program is the rules often fail in a certain market condition. For instance, when a trading program is good in ranging market, it fails when market is trending. The worst is when the trading program fails; it can put your whole fund in danger. It usually happens because a trader gives full trust to the program to take care of his/her trading portfolio and the situation gets worse when a trader doesn't know what to do for recovery since the trader is not the program developer.

All right fellow trader, before you make up your mind to purchase automated forex trading program, first of all you have to determine your trading needs, trading style and your risk-profile. Afterwards, you run your own investigation and research on those trading programs which available on the internet or probably offline vendors as well. Visit trader forums and communities, ask experienced ones, and get their opinion and suggestion regarding the trading programs you want to have.

With the success of a couple older currency trade programs, many publishers have scrambled to design and put out their own programs designed to help you trade currency more effectively and ultimately win more trades and see more profits. Unfortunately, not all of these programs are winners. In fact, the majority of these programs can be best described as "lemons" which focus more on style over substance and while nearly all websites may boast stories of overnight riches, the truth is many of these programs are just out to capture your dime. There are, however, some real and winning currency trade programs mixed in out there, and this article will help you to find one.

First, there are a couple different types of currency trade programs, some should be grouped into the auto trading category and others are predominantly signal generators.

Auto trading currency trade programs are those which do just that - automatically trade for you effectively in the market without the slightest intervention required from you. These programs analyze real time market data around the clock (a major bonus considering the 24/5 schedule of the forex market) and respond to changes on your behalf to keep you on the winning sides of your trades and effectively enter and exit the market at peak times.

As these programs require no upkeep from you the trader, they are consequently ideal for both busy traders without the time to devote to certain areas of the market as well as beginners with no knowledge of the forex market at all. Consequently many of these programs are marketed towards beginners specifically in helping them realize some realistic and reliable profits early on.

The other variation of currency trade programs is the signal generator. This is basically a stock picker for the forex world. It also analyzes market data around the clock but instead of trading for you, they typically find the makings of the beginning of a profitable trend and inform you so that you can trade accordingly and ahead of the curve. If you have the right information this can potentially be incredibly profitable and is how many expert traders have amassed serious wealth over the years.

These programs require a little more from you the trader as they do not enact the trades but simply tell you what to do and point you in the right direction. Consequently, these programs are more recommended for slightly more experienced traders who know how to read market data and have enacted trades before. Plus you should keep in mind that these programs are not entirely without risk and while their picks are better because they are based on nothing but cold hard market data rather than guesswork of any kind, you should still trade with caution as these programs are potentially more profitable but not nearly as reliable as the user friendly auto trading currency trade programs.

Now, getting back to the issue of choosing a winning currency trade programs . There is no complete substitute for first hand experience, and it should be made clear that the majority of the worthwhile and reputable programs out there come with trial period 60 day money back guarantees so that you can test the program first hand, even within the confines of a practice account without risking any money in the market, either, to gauge the effectiveness of the program.

The Benefits of Alternative News Sites

Reading the paper online and watching 24-hour news sites is becoming more and more popular. This is because it is cheaper and you get more news. You can see what is happening in the world, as it happens. You don't have to wait until the next newspaper is released, like in the old days.

Do you remember when the war on Afghanistan began and we were able to watch the first invasion live on the news? That is how up to date things have gotten and we have never been more in touch with the goings on in the world, than we are today.

However, it is become better for people to get the best news on alternative news sites. This is because they are not biased. They are not affiliated with any political party and they can choose their own news and which articles they post. There is no agenda to their articles.

Therefore, it is important to know some of the advantages of reading the news on alternative news sites.

1. As mentioned above, they have the power over what articles they publish. The only purpose they serve is to break the news. They are not feeding us news that has political connotations and they are not biased towards anything. The news you read on their sites is purely for news purposes.

2. They pick their topics. They may have articles on their site that other news stations and websites might deem unworthy of the news. Furthermore, they don't just focus on the bad news. You will be able to read happy things in the news and some of their articles are really educational.

3. They aren't trying to sell you things. Sometimes, when a newspaper is talking about a product or a special offer, they are trying to sell you something. However, with most online news sources, they are trying to educate you. When doing the research for this article, there was a link on an alternative news site on how to get phones for cheap. It was clicked and it was just assumed that there would be a gimmick or it would be asking for money. But, the link actually took you to an article, which showed you how to get cheap phones, but then also warned you on the dangers of auction websites and getting scammed. The article didn't link to any auction website. It was purely educational.

4. Another good thing about alternative news sites is that they don't get bogged down with rehashing things over and over again. If you turn on a news channel or look on one of the well-known news sites, like Sky News, the only thing that they will be talking about is how cold it is in America, There are other things going on in the world right now. There are other things going on in America as well. We all know that the weather is bad and people are suffering but that doesn't mean that we should ignore everything else.

5. Alternative news sites try to comment on everything. They have sections on celebrity news, discovery news and they even have sections on funny videos and advances in technology and business. We don't have to hear or read the same things over and over again. We know that murders happen and the economy is bad and they are things that we should know about, but what about everything else? CES 2014 is happening right now and there has been hardly any news coverage at all. These are things that are going to affect us in the future and we hardly know anything about them.

Many businesses periodically send newsletters by postal mail to keep subscribers current on their affairs or industry-related news, for the purpose of maintaining a loyal customer base to whom they can market additional products or services. With pervasive use of the internet for information dissemination, and with RSS News Feeds gaining momentum as a powerful online communication tool, one needs to ask whether businesses are now better served by publishing news feeds in lieu of newsletters.

There are obvious convenience factors that favor publishing news feeds over newsletters: No newsletter design delays or expenses, no printing delays, no printing costs, no postage costs, no mailing lists. But are news feeds more effective than newsletters in delivering the message? And if so, can anyone with essentially no knowledge of news feeds and with computer skills limited to sending email and browsing the internet actually publish a news feed on their own?

Putting aside the obvious advantages of news feeds listed above, an important question to ask when evaluating effectiveness of the newsletter versus the news feed is whether the information is time-sensitive. If the business is publishing information pertaining to such topics as the stock market, real estate, investments, weather, new products or services, competitive analyses, product catalogs and prices (and you can probably add more to this list), the effectiveness of the newsletter dramatically diminishes as the delay between the "event" and the delivery of the information about the event increases. If a newsletter is published every three months, on average the information is six weeks old! And it's not just that the information arrives too late to be important to the recipient, but also because recipients will come to know the newsletter is irrelevant to their affairs and tune out. Unfortunately, that means it will be seen as junk mail and tossed into the trash without opening. Why would I care about an investment opportunity if, by the time I receive that advice, it's too late to act on it? (At my post office, a recycle bin is provided in the lobby so that you can conveniently toss away your junk mail without even taking it home.)

Recognizing this time-sensitivity problem, businesses have been depending more and more on email broadcasting to a subscription list. You've seen the come-on -- "Sign up for our email list". To many, this is viewed as volunteering to receive spam. Even when one does reluctantly submit their email address to those hopefully-private lists, spam filters will often trash that email, and for the email that does get through (and we all know how effective spammers have become), the email from the legitimate businesses usually gets lost amidst all that spam. So what does it matter if the business has avoided the development, distribution, and delay problems associated with newsletters by using email, if in the end the message never gets to welcoming ears.

News feeds effectively overcome the shortfalls of newsletters and email broadcasts. With news feeds, nothing is ever printed or emailed, and the news feed is instantly available online. Recipients can volunteer to receive the information without having it "pushed" at them, so there is no sense of spamming associated with news feeds. The audience for the information can receive that information at their convenience and can receive alerts or "signals" whenever new information is published. For example, if you were interested in listening in on investment advice from an advisor who publishes a news feed, you could subscribe to that news feed - without giving your email address away - and whenever new information is published, you could receive a signal and operate on that information in real time. Imagine ... literally within seconds after the advice is published, you could read and act upon that new information.

If your intention is to spam - in other words, to send unsolicited information to others with the intent of gaining some advantage - than news feeds are not for you. Your targets will simply not tune in to news feeds that don't interest them! Spammers are stuck with email and mass mailings with the hope that recipients will accidentally open the spam and get teased into the proposition by the seduction of the message.

But what about the question of publishing news feeds? Is it easy, or does it require some special computer skills? Do you need to hire or pay someone to do your news feed for you?

The good news is that RSS News Feeds can be incredibly simple to publish if you select the right publishing tool. Numerous tools are "out there" (some much simpler than others!) for publishing news feeds; some are online services such as Enfeedia, some are programs you download. Some are free, some are not. For maximum ease, choose a news feed publishing tool you use by filling in a simple form so that you need not learn any technical skills to take advantage of the power of news feeds; it can be as simple as writing email.

How do you tell others about your news feed? In any communication you do (your business cards, your website, articles you write, etc.), include your news feed address. It's the equivalent to a website address except it presents the news feed using contemporary browsers. (Older version browsers don't support news feeds.) It is common practice to install an industry-standard RSS "button" on your website that, when clicked, displays your news feed and provides the news feed address for subscription purposes (see more about subscribing to news feeds below).

For powerful promotion of your news feed, select a feed publishing service that offers the ability to actually display your news items directly on your website, blending in with the design of your site, and including the means to subscribe to that news feed. On-site display of new items coupled with frequent posting of news is an extremely easy way to add fresh content to your website that can actually improve the position of your site in search engine results placement (SERP).

If you choose Enfeedia to host your news feed, you can simply tell others your "account name", and they will be able to access and read all your news feeds there. So it can be as simple as saying, "See my news feeds at Enfeedia, my account name is _____".

What does it mean to subscribe to a news feed? It depends on the service you use for subscribing, but typically it means that you specify the address for news feeds of interest to you, and the service keeps a list for you so that you can easily read your feeds whenever you want ... with all the current news shown. With a MyYahoo personal page, you can sign up for alerts when items are posted onto news feeds to which you subscribe, even by mobile phone if you wish.

With contemporary browsers, you can bookmark news feeds - just like you can bookmark a website - and get signals when new items being available in news feeds that you bookmark. And in its "Leopard" operating system, Apple integrates news feeds with its Mail program, bringing news feeds to mainstream online communication. Such moves by Apple, and by others which are sure to come, will popularize news feeds akin to the growth in pervasiveness of websites during the 1990s.

So set aside your complicated desktop publisher software, just say no to spamming, and become an effective professional communicator, gaining the respect as an authority, using RSS News Feeds.

Ken Gorman is a developer and operator of numerous websites and an outspoken advocate of RSS New Feeds He developed Enfeedia to bring RSS news feeds to the general public offering the same benefits from news feeds as enjoyed by major corporations.


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